Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Fish Project

Go to . Type in ,'fish project rancho maranatha'. There is a video of our progress as of a week ago. I tried to copy the link but it wouldn't let me, sorry !

Monday, April 26, 2010


It rained last Thursday!!!!!!! Such a glorious sight to behold. When it rains here it's like the plants come alive. It's absolutely fascinating. I tried to upload a video of it right after the rain but the website isn't allowing me. I'll try again later!

This last Sunday morning in Colonia Sonora, Navojoa was a blessing. That biblestudy has been shrinking for some time. Thankfully though this Sunday we ran out of chairs! Praise Jesus. We saw many faces that we hadn't in a long time and also some new ones. Dan is teaching out of Zachariah for that study, such a blessing. I do have to admit though that it's a bit difficult to translate prophecy.

Right now Dan and Ana are on their way home from the prison in Obregon. I can't wait to hear how it went. Please pray for them on Mondays if you think about it.

Last Thursday we celebrated Obed's 2nd birthday. I can't believe how big he is getting.

Roshon and I resurrected the felt board set this morning. It had been long lost in 'the barn'. Thankfully most of it is still in decent condition. She hopes to use it in the childrens ministry. It will definately be a huge help for her and the others involved with the kids. Imagine one room, 30 kids, you, and 90 degree heat. Now imagine trying to keep them calm and try to share Jesus with them as well! Yes, the felt board will definately be a huge asset. I do not usually have the pleasure of working with the kids. Usually I'm translating :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rancho Maranatha

John Wayne was a faithful servant of God and helper of the ministry here at Rancho Maranatha.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Angel's Hair

Ok, well I was going to wait til I had some pics of the hydroponics project to update. But I keep forgetting to take my camera........ Gee, that doesn't sound like something I would do does it???? hahahahahaha

This flower on the right is called "Angels Hair". The blooms only last for one day, then the fall off the tree. The tree blooms for a couple of weeks every year and that's it. They're such an amazing flower. This tree happens to be Ana's pride and joy. I thank my photagrapher, Marilu, for the wonderful pic.

Believe it or not my life isn't all fun and games!! But I do love the trampoline!

On Saturday we went back to the Presa in Mocuzari to get more fish for the hydroponics project, 'fish project'. We brought around 200 I believe and have only lost around 26. We're still having some promblems though. Our plants are looking a bit sad. I think we may exchange the rocks that the plants are in for sand and see if that helps the water flow. We're having a hard time keeping the water levels where they need to be.

I'm also learning a bit about plumbing. I know how to use PVC now. Maybe I'm not an expert but I definately know more than the average blonde, American girl :)

Warren Drew from Montana is here right now. Warren has been a faithful friend and supporter of the ranch for a long time. He is such a blessing. He brought me peanut M&Ms!!!!!!! If you want I'll even tell you he walks on water, hahahahahahaha.

The Lord has really been ministering to my heart through Dan's teachings this past week. The main theme has been the signs of the times. The signs of the Lord's coming are everywhere, they're hard to ignore. The Lord has placed an urgency in my heart to share His love. Time is short, we must be about our Father's business. What greater purpose or joy is there????

I have to admit that it's especially hard to ignore the Lord's prodding during a study when you're translating. I have to hear it, think about it, then say it. There's no in one ear and out the other when you're translating..........
"And He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness'". Do you get that people??? I sure dont, atleast I'm working on it. His strength, the strength that made the universe. The strength that placed the stars in the sky and named them (ps 147:4). That power lies in our weakness. Tha power lies in us when we give up, when we realize that we're dust. When we cry out in desperation that is the power that comes to our rescue. We have no excuse friends. We are lacking nothing because our weakness is His strength. So, let's be about our Father's business. The time is short. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Here I present Nacho and Hugo. We visit their family once a week or so. The boys mother and grandmother are new believers.Since neither of the women can read we make it a priority to read the Word when we visit. They also come to several bibestudies during the week.

This is the bus that carries people back and forth from Tesia...... It has some problems, obviously. What you can't see in this pic is that there is another guy on the other side of the busy with just his legs sticking out as well. It was so funny! I wish I could have gotten all three in one pic.

The pic is me, obviously. If you look very closely on my back, right above the pocket of my jeans you'll see a lizard. He was quite friendly and decided we needed to be friends. The comical part is that Rogelio (guy sitting next to me) was sharing the gospel with a man we were visiting. I think the lizard wanted to get in on the action as well!!!!!!

On the left is one of the flowers from the ladies day. I found it taped to the bible bus that lives in Tesia.... How cool is that!?!?!?!?!?!
Today I went with Rogelio and Marilu to Huazahuari, a little town on the way to San Antonio. Dan drops us off on the way to his biblestudy in San Antonio. They started going to Huazahuari last year when I was here. As of now there hasn't been much fruit. We continue to pray though! They have been faithful to go and share anyway.
Tomorrow morning we have ladies biblestudy here at the ranch and then in the evening we head out to Mocuzari.
God Bless Ya'll!!!!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

So Much 2 Tell

Hello Everyone!

Wow, I've got so much to tell. Last time I left you with the Ladies' Day prep so I guess I should start there.

The day before (thursday) was awesome. We were busy pretty much from sun up til sun down, and a little after. Pablo Cooper made us an awesome banner to hang. We also put the tissue paper flowers to good use. To top it all off we added balloons. Afer we set up the sound system we had a time of worship. It was so very sweet. I feel like we kind of ushered in the Holy Spirit. We worshipped and prayed. We blessed the building, the speakers, the worshippers, and the food too!

So Friday ws great! Even the 5am alarm that started it all (I think bedtime was around midnight the night before).

Everything went as planned. No major mishaps. Our theme verse, Matt 10:22, was so appropriate. I truly believe God ordained that theme for this year. He also gave the speakers such unity in their messages. There was a common thread, a point that was hammered, in each one of the messages.

By the end of the day we had 104 signiatures and 4 new more names in the Lamb's Book of Life. What A BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 1 day of rest it was Easter! Sunrise service attendees got up around 4am. Everyone piled in the van and off to Cierro Prieto we went. Once arriving at the top we began to worship. Our worship had to be A Cappella since both Lolita and I forgot our guitars. But I almost think I liked it better that way. It was definately a sweet time. Arm in arm with Lolita nd Marilu we sung the sun from it's sleep. Just as we finished singing it peaked over the mountains. We praised Jesus for Hi death and resurrection. How thankful I am that we have our hope and peacein a living and mighty God.

Later that afternoon we had a big Sunday service at the Ranch. That was such a blessing as well. Lots of people, hugs, and food!!!!!!!!!

I also dug into a scrumptious box of 'peeps' that my darling mother sent with me. Thanks mom, I love you!

I realize that today is Thursday and I'm telling you about last week but, TIME FLIES BY SO FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I do not know where the time goes.

Most of our guests have left for now. Ana's sisters and their children will be leaving tomorrow.

Tonight is biblestudy in Mocuzari. I am prepared to be eaten alive. I really need bugspray :(

Ps. Everyone, I know it's saturday but I wrote this on thursday. I'm a little behind, sorry. I did mean well though!!!!!!!!

PPs. the two girls in the picture are Izbet and Valeria from Las Minitas (friday night study). They are such sweet girls, I love them!