Unfortunately I missed out since I wasn't feeling well. But obviously the show went on without me ;)
The fish project is going quite well!! Last week we harvested a bunch of fry out of the big pool and transferred them to a tank at the house. This is wonderful because it means that our fish are reproducing :) We also separated a fish that we suspected to be carrying eggs. Tilapia carry the eggs in their mouth. So, when they don't eat you know that something is up. It was quite fun trying to get our mommy fish out of the big pool. Rogelio and I had to get in. Yes, we got in a 10x17 swimming pool with around 400 fish. I'm just thankful that the water wasn't clear so I wasn't aware of how surrounded I really was. We then stretched a net across the width of the pool and slowly walked from one end to the other. Trapping all the fish (or atleast alot of the fish) on the other side of the net. After 5 or 6 tries we got our momma fish. I think I only got slapped by jumping fish a couple dozen times..... And thankfully I didn't slip so I never went completely under, hahahahahahahaha. Don't ya'll wish I had a video of it :) Plus the other day we moved a bunch of fingerlings into a bigger tank. So right now we have tilapia of all shapes and sizes. Eggs, Fry, fingerlings, and full grown!!!
This past week we've been blessed by tropical storm, Georgette. Lots of clouds, rain, and winds. We can't get enough of the rain. Unfortunately because of the rain many of the bible studies had to be canceled. When it rains the roads become unpassable. That happens often when your 'roads' are actually dry river beds, hahahaha. Thankfully last night we were able to go to Las Minitas after missing three weekly studies there. The only car that can make it there this time of the year is the truck and until yesterday it was without a spare. Hence, no trips to Las Minitas.
On Thursday the angels in heaven were rejoicing, another soul was added to the Lamb's book of life. Domingo Ivan gave his life to the Lord while hitchhiking with us. He's a young man, probably in his early 20's, from Mocuzari. Please pray that he would follow through with his decision. Ana's nephew Rogelio was the one that witnessed to Domingo on our way to Mocuzari. The Lord has really gifted Rogelio. He has an amazing way of showing and presenting the gospel. Plus, Rogelio never turns down an opportunity to share. He is such a blessing. I am convicted so often by his fervor.
Abuelo (Grandpa) Vico is back from the mountains. He arrived last night with his son Miguel Angel. I can't wait to go and hear all the stories that he has to tell from this trip. The Lord always uses him mightily when he goes to the mountains to preach.
Please pray for Pastor Dan, he's been a bit under the weather lately.
I want to leave ya'll with a scripture verse. Proverbs 25:28 says:
"A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls".
Tough verse right? You're probably thinking, "Geez Chelsea, why not something encouraging or something to lighten our load a bit?". But I want you to look at it from this point of view..... The body of Christ, the church, our family and friends are that city. We are the walls. We are the Christians, the ones with the truth. If our guard is not up the city is in danger. The purpose of the walls of a city is to protect it from attackers, robbers, diseases. The gate was always watched and guarded in bibletimes. The guards ready and waiting for trouble. When we lack self-control, when are not living so as to receive the fruits of the Spirit, the walls are down. We are endangering everyone. The Lord convicted me this morning. My city right now is Rancho Maranatha. When I lack discretion, discipline, self-control, or love it affects my city. It affects this ministry. Being part of the body means that we are never alone. Sin is never lonely....
I must, you must, we must walk in the Spirit my friends! It may seem tough because it means dying to the flesh, right? But all good things cost something. Our walk with God, our commitment to Him has a price. That price is sacrificing our flesh. Denying our desires and our predisposition to sin Remember that we are ambassadors for Christ. We are that city set on a hill. We are salt and light. Spread your light today. My prayer today is that the Lord would give me the strength and self-control to bring my flesh into submission.
I must, you must, we must walk in the Spirit my friends! It may seem tough because it means dying to the flesh, right? But all good things cost something. Our walk with God, our commitment to Him has a price. That price is sacrificing our flesh. Denying our desires and our predisposition to sin Remember that we are ambassadors for Christ. We are that city set on a hill. We are salt and light. Spread your light today. My prayer today is that the Lord would give me the strength and self-control to bring my flesh into submission.
May God be glorified!