It has been a while since I've posted any pics of the children of Huazahuari. So one year later here they are. This Wednesday we learned about the Israelites and the Golden Calf. Lesson; We worship God and God alone. James (from CC Wichita ) and Christy (from MN) joined in a game of balloon tag afterwards. It was LOTS of fun. Please continue to pray for these children. Also that Rogelio and Carla would have the opportunity to reach out to more of the families of Huazahuari.
This week we have had Bud, Christy, and James here from Calvary Chapel Wichita. They have been a huge blessing!! The guys have been working, working, working. The girls have been painting. It has also been a blessing to take them to the villages and have James share his testimony with the congregation.
This week we have had Bud, Christy, and James here from Calvary Chapel Wichita. They have been a huge blessing!! The guys have been working, working, working. The girls have been painting. It has also been a blessing to take them to the villages and have James share his testimony with the congregation.
I would also like to ask prayer for a dear sister in Christ, Maria Juana. Dan met her husband in jail and reached out to Maria Juana and the family. She has been fellowshipping with us for quite a while now. She and her husband have 4 sons, the youngest is 13. Maria Juana also has scoliosis. Recently she has been suffering and in alot of pain. I would ask that you ask the Lord to fill her with peace and hope. Also for healing if it is His will. And also for her sons' salvation.
Thank you as always for your prayers and support. Be blessed and be used :)