Hello Everyone :) I went to see little Mauricio this Wednesday. You may remember me mentioning a young lady from Eubodia's family in Huazahuari named Ophelia. Ophelia's delivery of Mauricio turned into quite an emergency. It's a miracle that they are both alive and well today. Ophelia is doing very well! She has put weight back on and had a HUGE smile on her face. While I was in the states Rogelio stopped going to Huazahuari and started going to another small village about 1/2 mile down the road called Torocoba. The majority of the people that were coming to Huazahuari were from Torocoba so it made sense to move it. This Wednesday 3 generations sat and listened to God's word. Don Juan and his wife, their three sons, their wives, and their kids. It was SOOOO awesome. They have such a desire to hear the truth. Their eyes lit up when the saw my guitar! We sang some worship songs, I believe they really enjoyed it. While Rogelio shared out of John 1 I sat on the floor and colored with the kids :) The kids that live in Torocoba used to come to my class in Huazahuari. I hope that the rest of the kids from Huazahuari will start coming to the class in Torocoba now.
Earlier on Wednesday we went to Mocuzari for ladies biblestudy. Roshon had been teaching a study there but had stopped going because no one was coming. However, the ladies asked Roshon to return. So this Wednesday was our first time back and Roshon started a study on the book of Esther. It was AWESOME. The Lord definitely spoke through her. Since this was our first week she did a brief review of the book of Esther to familiarize the ladies with the story. However the Lord turned her heart towards the younger girls in the room and she began to exhort them to prepare themselves for the time and place that the Lord had for them. Using Esther as an example of course. At the end we found out that what she shared had to do directly with something that several of the young girls had gone through the week before. So to make a long story short, it was awesome :) :) :) :) :) Please pray that the Lord would continue to bless this biblestudy and use Roshon.
I'v been back a week and a half and I feel like I just got here. The first several days I was here we didn't have any water. The pump had just been repaired/replaced the month before so it was very frustrating to be having problems again. Dan, Rogelio, and the army of girls worked to bring the pump up, install a new one, and put it back down again. After that was done it still wasn't working correctly. Thank God that by the next morning though everything appeared to be back in order!!!! We hope and pray that it stays that way!
It is really hot here... And dry. We are waiting rather impatiently for the rain to come so that everything will turn green once again.
Josie Ray has officially graduated from high school! She just sent her application in to the Calvary Chapel bible college in Ensenada, Lord willing she will be accepted. If she is she will be leaving us soon :(
Monce's graduation is coming up soon as well. Next semester she will be starting at a college in University.
Last but not least I am proud to officially announce that Hector and I are engaged!!!! He asked me during his graduation ceremony the day after my arrival :) :) :) :) : ) I'm one happy girl! The wedding will be November 3rd.
Blessings to All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!