Monday, May 16, 2011


The creatures are out!!! They're coming out of hiding, both big and small. Some more pleasant than others. The ones that we had in Sunday School last night were the cute fuzzy kind that you just want to hug!!!! On the left is my class, the right is Josie's class. The Sunday night study is held in Osobampo. The children are from Osobampo, Jusibampo, Mocuzari, and Las Minitas. Several of the children in my class come all on their own. Their parents do not attend our church. Last night as I was walking through the village rounding up kids I found a little girl, Roxanna, who used to come all the time. Roxanna is Ruth's cousin. When I asked her why she hadn't been coming she told me that her parents didn't allow her to come anymore. Supposedly because they leave on Sunday nights for Navojoa so it's not convenient.... Whether those are their motives or not it still made me sad. I hope and pray that the Lord will continue to touch this little girl even though she is no longer with us.

The not so fuzzy and cute creatures are out as well!!!!! Within an hour of eachother we removed a big black King snake and a juicy centipede from the girls' dorms... Fun, fun, fun. The centipede, which was found in the shower, had quite an affect on the ladies... For some reason after finding him none of them wanted to take a shower!

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the comsmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places". Ephesians 6:12

"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth". Col 3:2

I have come to realize that when a problem, issue, or crisis, overwhelms me it is because I am not being 'heavenly' minded. Everything that we fight on this earth is spiritual. The fight against our flesh is spiritual. My fustrations and anxieties are heavenly battles. They cannot be fought the same way as earthly battles.

"Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak". Matt 26

When will I stop applying earthly methods to heavenly problems? When will I realized that my struggles and my trials are supernatural. I do not need earthly wisdom or common sense in my walk with the Lord. I simply must trust in His word. I must be in communion with Him.
Heaven's currency is completely diferent from earth's. What is of value here is rubbish there . What is of value there we ,here, consider foolishness.

"For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is strong than men. For consider your calling, brothers, not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong. God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God". 1 Cor 1

I know that we've all read the above passage before, probably many times. But have you ever really summed it all up.... What is God saying here? Our way, our wisdom, our methods, our psycology, our strength, our intilect is USELESS. I repeat USELESS....... God will not work where He is not wanted. If you've got it, "all under control", He is not going to take control of the situation. The point is not for us to make it through. The point is not for us to conquer. The point is for Jehova to be glorified. Comprende???? :)

I sure don't. I'm having a hard time getting this point through my thick skull.

So, let's put on our heavenly glasses :)

Using God's wisdom let's think about His purpose for every situation. Let's not use the earthly scale to judge or evaluate, let's use God's scale. Jesus needed 5 loaves and 2 fish not 1 million dollars. Jesus needed water to make wine, not a vinyard. Jesus needed faith to make the blind see and the dear hear, nothing more. Jesus needed to pillow to rest his head or home to call his own, He simply needed His Father. Are our requirements for our life the same as God's? Are our expectations the same? Our goals?

When we look at the line in front of us at Walmart do we see people in our way or do we see lost souls?
Put on your Jesus glasses.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Yes, it's hot. Today is the 3rd day in a row that it's been over 100 degrees. Hot,hot, hot. The whole world just seems to smolder and melt. It leaves you wanting to do nothing but nap in front of a fan. The smallest tasks like hanging laundry make you feel like you've just climbed a mountain. Ok, so maybe I'm exagerating a bit, but just a bit :) :(

Last Sunday two people gave their lives to the Lord. Some of you may remember me writing about a lady ,Gaudencia, that was saved and baptized after +20 years of hearing the gospel...... Well it is Gaudencia's son, David, and his wife that gave their lives to the Lord. We are so very, very excited for them. One of their daughters was recently seriously injured. She somehow was cut but a mirror and almost severed her arm. She is now in need of several surgeries and physical therapy. It does appear though that if she has the surgeries and the therapy she will be able to use her arm again.

Edith, our Swiss friend, that I stayed with for two weeks post-surgery is doing well. She decided on the hormone treatment to treat her cancer. Today Ana took her to the doctor for a check up. He said that everything seems fine for now. When Jo and Jerry leave I will be going in their place to Alamos to have biblestudy with Carol and Edith. Please pray that the Lord would bless our time together and use it to grow all three of us. Carol and Edith are always inviting others of the American community in Alamos to the study but for now it's just us.

On Thursday I went with Dan and Rogelio to start tiling the new bathroom at Eva's house. This is the bathroom that the group from MN built. It went well. Three people in a bathroom for an extended period of time can be quite comical :) :) :)
I'm not a tile master yet but maybe with a bit more practice, LOL. I know that Sister Eva must be excited. As far as I know this is the first time she's ever had a bathroom with actual plumbing.

My dear friend and adopted Big Sis, Tandrian Riddering, will be here in the 22nd. I'm super excited about her visit!!!!! She'll be tagging along with daily life and going to all of the villages with us :)

May God bless you all abundantly. Thankyou once again for your prayers and your support of this ministry.

Chelsea Rae