Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas and New Year's :)

Hello Everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We had a wonderful time here at the Ranch. Lots of people, food, and parties :)
Above is a pic of Josie showing off her beautiful christmas tree cookie.

Above is Alexi, from Osobampo, showing off his angel :)

The week before Christmas we got stuck in Navojoa... The bus just WOULDN'T start after church Sunday morning. The guys put their heads together, but to no avail. On the left you see a "UFO" in someone's hand under the hood. It's actually a lemon. They guys thought perhaps the problem had to do with the corosion on the battery cables. Solution: Grab a lemon off the tree and clean the battery. Who would have thunk it?????

Having Brian, Rochelle, and the twins here has been a huge blessing. Brian returned to TN yesterday but Rochelle and the boys will be here til the end of the month.

Dan and Ana should be back tomorrow. They left from CA this morning. They went to CA for the Calvary Chapel Missions Conference. We have missed them. I can't wait for them to get back!

Carla had another ultrasound yesterday. Once again they told her it's a girl. Her due date is February 7th. We think she's going to pop before then though! So exciting!

So, we have begun a new year! 2012. One year closer to the coming of our Lord!!!!

"Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
For our God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12

Remember that, our kingdom CANNOT be moved. I'm expecting alot of big changes, scary ones, to happen in the world this year. Things seeme to be getting darker and darker. Light and truth are being persecuted everywhere. But yet we will ' God acceptably with reverence and godly fear'.Why? Because our kingdom CANNOT be moved. Our God is an all consuming fire. He is THE all consuming fire. He is on the throne and nothing can EVER change that :)

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you my friend!

    We're busily involved at Joplin Family Worship Center. Lowell is the Operations Director of the relief center.

    As a family, we've been busy with: volunteering, delivering Christmas boxes, serving in the snack bar, dance team, Christmas musical, worship team, cleaning, cooking, lots and lots.
