Sunday, March 14, 2010

ready, set, GO!

Ok, so here it goes.
10:21 pm.
3 suitcases stuffed to the rim and zipped on the floor next to me. They all weigh under 50lbs.
A super awesome, very heavy, backpack on the bed next to me.
My !pod is charging.
My phoneis charging.
I've got my wallet, my passport, underwear, and my bible. What else do I need?
I updated my facebook status, preboarded online, and now here I am.
Today my wonderful church body prayed over me. I was blessed with the opportunity to worship with them all one more time. Atleast once more for quite a long while. I can't wait til heaven! There we'll be able to worship together for eternity. I received so many wonderful embraces and farewell wishes. I am truly going to miss them all something fierce. I have been so blessed with such wonderful friends and family all over the world :)

So, tomorrow at 8am we hit the pavement. First stop; Reignbows End. We have to drop Sonora off. Then the long, boring drive to Tulsa. My flight takes off at 12:05. I stop in Vegas for some fun before arriving in Tucson. I'll meet Jerry and Jo at the airport there, then we'll head to the hotel. Tuesday morning after dropping Jerry at the airport Jo and I will head south towards the border. Tacos, here I come!!!

I want to thank everyone once more (i'm sure I'll say this again). Thank you so much for your prayers, they are such a blessing to me. I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store!!!!!!

Peace out :)

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